Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Quadriplegic wins right to die

An Aussie quadriplegic has won his right to die in peace with dignity.
This chap has had two accidents that rendered him in his present shape, where he is on a wheel chair, unable to move any of his limbs.
Since Australia does not approve aided euthanasia, no body would assist him. This means he has been granted a permission or right to stop feeding.
In a way, the court has facilitated his cause by approving death by starvation. No body knows how much time it would take. This appears akin to "santhara" the Jain religious ritual of voluntary death by fasting, once the purpose of a life is thought to be over.
The unanswered question is: if in any case death by starvation is imminent now, why cant one go a step ahead and approve assisted euthanasia?
I am neither a supporter nor an opponent of euthanasia. That needs a larger debate. The purpose of this blog is to encourage people to say yes to life and not otherwise; nevertheless, the court verdict in this case made me ponder. What do you feel?
The author does not support either santhara or euthanasia in its current form especially in a country like India, where one could have a forced - Santhara. Please refrain from judging what the authors views would be from this writing.

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