Monday, 17 August 2009

Chronic ailments: What is the role of alternative therapies ( I )


Do alternative therapies really work?

Dr. Christian Bernard the South African cardiologist, who pioneered the first heart transplantation suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis. After this feat he was famous the world over. Concerned people across the continents poured in a lot of suggestions for his rheumatism. All were essentially “alternative medicines”, some claimed to be practiced “over generations” by the “prescriber”. I recall, keeping an onion in your pocket was one of them, as mentioned in a book by Dr. Bernard.

I intend to answer one basic question here: why does a person seek an alternative therapy.

One reason is, the mainstream therapy failed to live up to patients’ expectations.

The other reason is the chronicity of the disease itself.

Next is a “negative image” imparted to modern medicines: “they have too many side effects” any one using alternative medicine would tell you.

Modern medicines emerge after a rigorous multi step operation that includes trial on animals and human volunteers. Whatever side effects are encountered, are documented and admitted by the medical fraternity. They are there for everyone to see.

Another reason is a highly populist strategy adopted by those who practice alternative medicines. Do you come across a well groomed doctor claiming to cure azoospermia, inability father a child due to lack of sperms? This and many other ailments are claimed to be treated by the quacks! It is because of this populist measures that the likes of Baba Ramdev have survived in India, but strangely enough, you find such practitioners even in countries like the USA.

The last and a very important reason is people’s belief that miracles exist: something will appear out of no where and they will be cured. Gullibility out of despair!

I will follow up these views with more in subsequent posts. Dr Bernard was overwhelmed with the global concern for his ailment, but certainly did not practice these

Educate yourself before falling in for alternative therapies!

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