Saturday, 29 August 2009

An eye opener for a glaucoma patient

Mrs. Shreya Pathak (name changed) is a known patient of primary open angle glaucoma and high blood pressure. She had been on drugs and eye drops that managed both.
One fine day she decided to give a road side quack dealing with alternative drugs an opportunity to "handle" her.
The "doctor" (quack) gave a powdered substance in small packets made of paper to ingest. It tasted bitter. He claimed it came with his indigenous "research". The amount was fairly large to ingest as she recalled. Nevertheless, she had it or else it would mean "inadequate faith" in his ability.
Soon after she fainted on way to her house. her husband took her to a nearby doctor, who found her to have a very high blood pressure. He also advised some blood tests. Even the blood sugar had shot up like any thing! She was not a known diabetic but the random blood sugar was over 210 mg %.
The physician however succeeded in settling her in a day or two. However she still had significant pain and redness in eyes. So on day four she visited me.
Her intraocular pressure was 36 mm Hg in right eye and 38 mm Hg in left eye.
Clearly her glaucoma was uncontrolled as well.
What could have possible gone wrong?
I do not know for sure. However one possibility was administration of a very high dose of steroids.
Whatever it was, is history for Mrs. Pathak now: but it was, as she puts it an unforgettable day in her life. She vowed never to return to the quack and the likes ever again.
She visits my clinic regularly for routine eye check up.

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