Tuesday 28 July, 2009

IAS aspirant gets a cochlear implant

A guy clears the prelims of the Indian Administrative Services - the IAS. Not once, thrice, gets rejected twice and gets a costly cochlear implant to attain the minimum "auditory criterion" to qualify.

Result: Imminent rejection. The screening centre doesn't have an audiometry facility. The onus presumably on the candidate to prove he qualifies!

Few years ago a Calcutta girl was detained in her class tenth examination for poor attendance. She skipped classes to avail chemotherapy for a blood malignancy. The Principal was a woman, a stubborn one.

I am sure if this cochlear implant guy gets an opportunity to be a "public servant" as they are called, he would be better to give a patient ear to the masses.

Would the government understand this?

Lots of reservations for people in this country. Even for physically challenged ones. But why should they be "accommodated" in a category of special people? Why not have a truly equal opportunity scenario?

With that, he would qualify any way.

Don't you think we need to change?


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