Saturday 13 January, 2018

Doctors decry the proposed National Medical Commission Bill's proposal

Few years ago, a cardiologist denounced a suggestion in a Phone in programme of a TV channel, when asked whether there was any truth that "bottle guard" (lauki in Hindi) juice could have medicinal value in certain cardiac ailments including congenital one. The doctors stand was quiet justified. The (currently abortive) bid of the Indian Government to maintain a national register of all licensed medical practitioners and a national register of AYUSH (ayurveda) practitioners, who have take up a six month bridging course was widely opposed by doctors. This bridging course would then allow these alternative therapist to practice the medicine that is taught in modern medical colleges. However, medical fraternity needs to introspect and accept what it does to (embrace and) endorse dubious therapies. Founder director and chairperson of a leading cardiac center in Southern India once spoke to a famous God-man and asked him to comment what in his opinion caused congenital heart ailments. I shared some of his other views on CHDs on my face book group on Congenital Heart Diseases: few months ago. Do god men really know everything? Can any human be Omniscient? Surely, the doctor who discussed this issue with him, knew more about Organogenesis, embryology and cardiac ailments. Another, leading cardiologist form North India offers hollow alternative therapies in the name of holistic medicine. Not just that, many corporate hospitals (as well as Private Practitioners) tie up with all kind of alternative therapists to create a referral system for them. You can not oppose NMC Bill's proposals, if you otherwise endorse those practitioners. You can not have an "On Off relationship", a marriage of convenience between Medicine and mysticism, occultism and alternative medicine. Disclaimer: The purpose of this is not to touch upon religious feelings. Its sole objective is: myths must not eclipse rationality.